by Limitless Health Co. | Sep 5, 2019
Someone asked me today – What would I suggest to help them achieve their dreams? MY ANSWER: “Ooo great question hun. ✅ 1. I think you have to know your ‘Compelling Why’ and have it plastered everywhere. In your face, every single day, so you can see WHY it is...
by Limitless Health Co. | Jul 30, 2019
Are you wondering why you’re not quite where we want to be in your Fitness Business? It’s probably because you’re not spending enough time in the areas of your business that are going to get you to where you want to be! Sounds pretty simple right? But, do you know...
by Limitless Health Co. | Jul 25, 2019
Who loves job interviews? I do. I do. *True fact! My partner and I joke and say that back in the day, the reason I used to love job interviews so much is because I get to talk about my favorite subject… ME! But let’s talk about YOU and your Business for a sec too!...
by Limitless Health Co. | Jul 23, 2019
Is this you? Scrolling insta stories comparing yourself to insta-beauties. Do you ‘check out the competition’ far too often? Other trainers, local gyms, celebs! Do you feel worthy? Like YOU are enough. No imposter syndrome here?! How is all this comparison-based...
by Limitless Health Co. | Jul 18, 2019
I know you’ve heard this first bit before… The human brain has 60,000 thoughts per day! But did you know that 90% of those thoughts are not new thoughts. We are telling ourselves the same stories that we were telling ourselves yesterday and the day before and the...
by Limitless Health Co. | Jul 16, 2019
The way you are trying to manifest, is ALL WRONG! Manifestation is not just journaling things down, doing affirmations, writing on your mirror, knowing your why. You know what I’m talking about… all the wishing, sitting there and thinking about it or meditating on it....